To say something very general, I think a fair number of people invested in the "present system" hate any advice they come across to help people live outside of and independent of that system. Wasn't there another viral thread a month ago about generally growing some of your own food that provoked a little outrage mob (with many of the objections, in true internet-fallacy style, coming down to the fact that since it was impossible to become 100% self-sufficient, it was apparently pointless to bother doing anything to make yourself even a little more independent)? The statists and technocrats don't like the idea of helping people live without them. Dependent people who enjoy being dependent people don't like to see others becoming more independent.
I'm of two minds on this. On one hand, I fully agree with every sentiment you lay out here. On the other, I think there is value in reminding those who are naive about the way the modern world works (think the earnest repliers to the "what would you do after the communist revolution" twitter threads). I guess these aren't necessarily contradictory positions, just more trying to carve out a fairly broad sweet spot in the middle of two extremes.
To say something very general, I think a fair number of people invested in the "present system" hate any advice they come across to help people live outside of and independent of that system. Wasn't there another viral thread a month ago about generally growing some of your own food that provoked a little outrage mob (with many of the objections, in true internet-fallacy style, coming down to the fact that since it was impossible to become 100% self-sufficient, it was apparently pointless to bother doing anything to make yourself even a little more independent)? The statists and technocrats don't like the idea of helping people live without them. Dependent people who enjoy being dependent people don't like to see others becoming more independent.
I'm of two minds on this. On one hand, I fully agree with every sentiment you lay out here. On the other, I think there is value in reminding those who are naive about the way the modern world works (think the earnest repliers to the "what would you do after the communist revolution" twitter threads). I guess these aren't necessarily contradictory positions, just more trying to carve out a fairly broad sweet spot in the middle of two extremes.
Revisiting this. Was ahead of its time.